Future Goals Hockey Scholars
NJ Devils Hockey Academy | More | School Programs | Future Goals Hockey Scholars
The NHL and NHLPA sponsored Future Goals is committed to sparking students' interests in STEM topics and helping students become college-ready, career-ready, and life-ready. The Hockey Scholar program is a no-cost web-based course that leverages hockey to teach foundational Math and Science concepts.
In partnership with New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program (NJMEP), students are invited to experience an educational, hands-on field trip at Prudential Center known as "STEM DAY" where Devils and NJMEP employees walk schools through the importance of STEM in the game of hockey. Each student will experience 5 stations including The Shot, The Pass, Zamboni/Ice Maintenance, Equipment and NJMEP Robotics & 3D Printing Activity.
For more informtation: contact HockeyAcademy@newjerseydevils.com